I'm the kind of person who has written since I was a small child, and sometimes I say things in jest which actually have a lot of meaning to them, when I stop to think about it.
I posted an album of photos on Facebook earlier today of all the get well/sympathy cards I got after the pregnancy went 'wrong'.
What exactly ARE you supposed to call it in a case like this?! It wasn't a baby in medical terms, it was a foetus
. Was it a death? Was it a medical abortion to save my life? Humph. Grey area).
I put all the cards away this morning after seeing someone else's scan picture, someone who's about as far along as I would've been, had all been well. I decided on the spur of the moment enough was enough and that I had to get the cards out of my sight. I wanted to photograph the cards before I put them away, probably never to be seen again.
I should explain, because it'll make what I say later on make a bit more sense. I was watching a Youtube video yesterday of my favourite actor
Tom Hardy, and he was talking about
Charles Bronson, the famous British criminal who Tom portrayed in the film
Bronson. Tom said he was having a phone conversation with Charles, and he had just split up with his girlfriend, and he told Charles he felt like shit. Charlie said something very true,
that sometimes you have to cut a bit of yourself off to protect the rest. He told Tom it might hurt like hell, but you
have to do it.
I didn't know what to call the photo album. I was thinking about calling it Con Te Partiro, after one of my favourite songs (which has been sung by many people, but done best by Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli, in my humble opinion) which means 'time to say goodbye'. Then I thought that sounded a bit naff and pretentious, so I thought about calling the album 'Grieving'. In the end I do what I always do when faced with a conundrum - I resort to black humour. I called the photo album 'All I have to show from being pregnant (except an 8 inch scar)' or words to that effect. It's not attention seeking, it's just the truth. No sense beating around the bush. It happened and there's no sense pretending it didn't.
There were 18 cards in the album, hence the title of this blog. It almost sounds like the title of an album, don't you think? It just goes to prove there's poetry in the bleakest of situations :)
That's what I have to show for having been pregnant. 18 cards and an 8 inch scar. Fact.
How am I feeling today? Out of sorts.
Now the Charles Bronson reference comes into play. I've had to do something on Facebook I only do when people
really piss me off, and that's hide their posts from my feed so I can't see them. It makes me feel uncomfortable, but I don't want to be deleting anyone. These people I've 'hidden' haven't pissed me off, I just can't face seeing their posts at the moment. They are both women who are pregnant, and both around the same stage as I would be now (give or take 1-2 weeks). One girl posted a scan photo, and as much as I wish her every happiness, I can't be constantly reminded of what I've lost, not now. I can't bear to see at every stage what I would've been experiencing. I felt totally OK today until I saw that post, but as much as I like the girl, I can't keep being slapped in the face.
This may make me sound a hideous person, but it's just self-preservation. Imagine you found out you were pregnant at almost the same time as someone else, but all you've got left is a scar and an increased risk of further ectopic pregnancies, and the other person has a baby growing and a whole new future. Anyone else at
any stage of pregnancy I'm fine with, I just can't bear to see what I
should be experiencing (if fate wasn't hell bent on fucking me up). The second girl is only a couple of weeks behind the first in her pregnancy, so her scans will be coming up any time soon and I can't face that either. It's better that I stay oblivious until early September, when our baby would have been born, and then I can start to grieve over again.
There's also the feeling that people who are pregnant or who have young babies think I'm some disease they're going to catch and it feels like they're are avoiding me like the plague. One of my (previously thought of) closest friends is someone with a small child and I don't know if it's her own circumstances keeping us apart, or the fact that I can't go anywhere, but there's been almost no contact from her since everything went to hell in a hand basket. Of course, it may well be the case that she doesn't know what to say to me. There
are no right or wrong words to say to me.
I don't feel like I can be there for anyone who might need me at the moment. I feel like I'm close to
losing my shit (sometimes there's no better way to say it!) and I need to look after myself. Aside from this uber-public grieving, I go about things off the internet in a private way. I don't call people up when I need help, it's just not my way. I don't even call my mum when I need help. I just have to work through things on my own and I don't want to talk to anyone on the phone. If that makes me a bad person, I'm sorry, I'm just cutting off a little bit of myself to save the rest.