Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm not going to pray

It didn't do me any good last time to plead silently in the night with the higher power (call it what you want), so I'm not going to start now. Last night when I was too afraid to go to sleep in case I didn't wake up* I found myself close to begging for all to be well, but stopped myself. Hoping and praying doesn't work. Whatever is going to happen will happen whether or not I cast requests for help and positivity into the ether.

So here I am, 5 days late, nauseous as ever, with breaking back, greasy skin, spotty face, fatigue, slightly sore ta-ta's, and yet another negative test telling me I'm deluded. Last time I had all these symptoms and a positive result. This time I have the symptoms and no test result to reassure, not that being pregnant is any assurance for someone who's had ectopic pregnancies. I should be entirely disheartened, but I'm not totally without hope, and even as I say that I feel a fool. I feel a fool to hope, because hope has been no friend of mine thus far.

Being sure of something against all evidence is a sign of madness or blind faith, and I'm not sure what the cause of mine is. However, my body is telling me something is not right within. 

I take some reassurance from the women I see on forums who had symptoms but didn't get a positive test until they were a week late,  2 weeks late, 6 weeks late, 7 weeks late, 4 months late.....although by that point I think I would've asked for an ultrasound! :) I know it's very early days for me to get upset about it. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't felt pregnant for over 3 weeks by this point. The stress is so bad I think I'd almost rather come on to be rid of the stress. James is worried sick.

Do I trust this tiny sliver of hope inside me? Do I believe the symptoms I'm getting? Or do I start to worry that I'm going insane?

If I can, I'm going to avoid testing for another week and see if my symptoms persist or if I come on. I'll carry on taking my folic acid, avoiding booze, raw eggs, soft cheese, pate and all that jazz just in case.

*I had diarrhoea yesterday, which can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. I had diarrhoea the day before my tube burst, so I got into an almighty panic and wrote James a note in case I didn't wake up. Also, I had some twinges in my left side, but I think they're psychosomatic, as every time I think about my op I get twinges there, and besides, I have no left tube.


  1. Hi Leah, I know the symptoms all seem like pregnancy (hopefully not ectopic) - just wanted to throw out there that after a miscarriage your hormones will still be out of balance for a while - my own system took about 6 months to get back to normal and there were a couple of time I was convinced (....I even had an appointment for a blood test....and then I got my period at about 6.5 weeks). For what it's worth, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get a positive test result soon. Hugs Fran xox

  2. Thanks hon.

    I just hope I come on soon. I don't know what the hell I was thinking trying to get pregnant again so soon. I'm not strong enough for all this shit. x x x

  3. I've got everything crossed hun. xxx

  4. Thanks. I wish I could be brain washed into forgetting all about it until I either come on, or start shooting milk out of my teats! :D x x x

  5. Hi,
    Another one keeping everything crossed for you but please try not to be too disheartened if you're not pregnant. I am sure you will know the joy of being a mummy, even if it takes a little longer than you would of wished for x

  6. I'm 8 days late. No blood whatsoever and hideous nausea. Hmmmm. Every time I wipe I expect to see red, but nada. Another 3 days and I'll be the latest I've ever been in my life, so we'll see. x

  7. I'm not getting my hopes up, because finding out I'm pregnant for me isn't the happy thing it is for a lot women. I've already had my hopes dashed so yeah, I want to be pregnant, but I know that's just the beginning. I know my own body better than anyone else though, and I know there's some weird shit afoot. So 'suck it and see' is what I'm doing :D x

  8. Sounds like a good plan and i know how you feel as i lost 2 before having my 3 and lost one between 2nd and 3rd :( Anyway..i am sending lots of good vibes your way x

  9. I know you know how it goes. I know something though, if no period appears and I'm still getting negatives, I'll be off to the doctors as something's delaying the red deluge. What a head fuck! x

  10. Does seem rather odd, though stress can also cause a significant delay :( but perhaps they will make the effort to give you a blood test as it's more accurate than a pregnancy test, plus they could pick up on anything else that might be the cause.

  11. Yup. Could be a cyst on my ovary or something delaying the monthly. Whatever it is, SOMETHING ain't right, and I want to find out what. I know my body and I know this ain't normal! :S

  12. Hope you can get in to see someone this week x It's awful when you know something is wrong but not what it is. x
