Monday, March 7, 2011


For the last couple of weeks I've been working on new designs for our website non-stop.

I also started using the badge press again last week. Bearing in mind I hadn't made any badges at all in 7 weeks, it was a bad idea to make 100 a day 3 days running. See how good I am at understatements? I ache from head to toe physically and I'm mentally burnt out.

I know what I'm trying to do, and it's futile. I'm trying to avoid thinking, to blot out the inevitable.


Well, babies are everywhere aren't they? If they weren't we'd all be panicking about the end of the worrrrrrrld *said in mock-hysteric tones*

I love babies, and wee nippers. One day I might like one of my own, yanno :) 

Two of my friends gave birth this week.

I'm thrilled for them, especially so for Lisa, who had the pregnancy from hell. Hyperemesis, SPD, topped off with an emergency C-section. That's a woman who deserves every happiness.

So do I, one day. 

One day.

Perhaps when fate stops playing football with me? 

On another less pitiful note, James and I have decided to use condoms for the next 2 months during which we have to avoid getting me pregnant (allowing me to fully recover). I don't want to bugger up my fertility by going back on the pill for just 2 months, and have us trying to get pregnant again and for it to take ages. Time is getting on. Presuming of course I can still get pregnant. We'll see. 

The health kick is going well. It's been 4 days, so I haven't exactly had much scope to cock up yet. I'm going swimming on Wednesday. I shall be exfoliating myself half to death for the next couple of days trying to get rid of the orange peel skin so the dash from changing room to pool is slightly less hideous.

Well, less hideous than it'll be anyway as I waddle poolside and climb down the ladder like an arthritic beach ball on legs. Thank God it's going to be 7.30 am when I go swimming. Hopefully there won't be too many people in there :)

Still, I have to start somewhere, and looking at it positively, that's the worst I'll ever look on this journey :)