I've been in some pain since yesterday and because I don't have an explanation for it, I'm worried about it.
It started yesterday as a twinge on my left side, so I thought I might be ovulating from the side with no tube. I've noticed one period so far since my op where I definitely ovulated form the 'bad' side - as it hurt a lot.
This morning I started getting a stabbing pain in my vagina and it hurts every time I bend over, lean or walk. The pain has now moved to my right side, so I'm hoping it's just the path of my egg making its way to pop out of my remaining fallopian tube.
Because pain that changes side can be a sign of an ectopic, I did a pregnancy test, although it's be too soon to tell anyway. I guess I just wanted to reassure myself. Stabbing pains in my vagina happened just before my fallopian tube burst in January, but as James reminded me - I was in a LOT more pain then.
It may seem neurotic to some, but when you've come so close to dying (and not even realised it at that moment in time), every pain thus forth has to be explained away. If I ever manage to have a child/family, I think I'll opt for sterilisation afterwards so I never have to go through this worry ever again.
Hopefully, this pain is 'just' ovulation.
I'm trying to ignore it. I just played table tennis and managed to push through the pain. The gynae appointment at the hospital can't come quick enough!